read me:

There is NEW material in the goodies box for you to download. Some of it you've had printouts for, other stuff is completely new...and may be useful.
ALSO - check the ASSESSMENTS link above from Monday night onwards for the details about your second assessment.

Good luck =]

"Somewhere" Trailer - Sofia Coppola

ZZPosted by dr.dray on Friday, July 30, 2010 , under , | comments (0)


ZZPosted by dr.dray on , under | comments (0)


Come on little monsters, start BLOGGING!!!

Over the weekend, post up a MOVIE SUMMARYREVIEWANALYSIS of your choice. It can be Virgin Suicides, Inception or any film you have seen in recent times.

PLEASE do not write "This film is nice." And that's it. Or, "This movie sucked so much, I vomited in my mouth". And that's all. You must post up an explanation why you liked/hated a film, or post up what the film is about, or analyse a film if you were really really into it.

If you are confused what the difference is between these 3 things.. I'll clear it up..

A short paragraph of what the film is about.

Your personal opinion about a film, often with a rating included. (eg. 3/5 stars, 10/10 stars, etc)

Breaking down the film (deconstruction) to have a better understanding of it's meaning.

If you don't post anything by Monday, I will keep a track on this and you will lose some percentage for Student Participation for this subject. So, if you want to maintain having 100% for this assessment, then BLOG BLOG BLOG =]

Happy popcorn eating! (mmm... popcorn...)

- Dr Dray


ZZPosted by dr.dray on , under | comments (0)


If you want to come along to watch INCEPTION directed by Christopher Nolan, please don't forget to bring your $16 dollars (expensive because its on the SUPER BIG screen!) no later than Tuesday 3rd August to either me (Dray), Adrian or to Nikki.

We will be viewing the film at IMAX Darling Harbour on Wednesday 4th August, 8PM sharp.

Yes.. It is a bit late.. But trust me, you will be safe. There will be no strange "followers" or "amnesic pyscho's" coming along to join us.

If you want to bring some friends, thats COOL, but they will have to get their tickets themselves. Then it is your responsiblity to do seat allocations for your friends with IMAX.

Just to remind you again, if you come along to see INCEPTION, then you do not have to attend the following Lecture (TBA which week that will be).

And one more thing: This is a NOLAN film... So remember I said that his films are better when you watch more than once... So if your doing nothing on the weekend, go and watch INCEPTION, and then watch it a second time on Wednesday. Otherwise, you will be very very confused when you watch it at IMAX. REALLY. NO JOKE.

Please comment if you have any questions or queries,

- Dr Dray


ZZPosted by Hellray on , under | comments (0)

Hi there, you have HOMEWORK this week. Please go to the ASSESSMENTS link (look up the top!) to see about it =]

Welcome to this BLOG!

ZZPosted by Hellray on Tuesday, July 27, 2010 , under | comments (1)
