3514_Scene Analysis
Scene Analysis
The Virgin Suicides, 1999
#Scene 1
Color usage
The main color is blue which illustrates the cold dawn.
We can feel the cold from the ground and air.
Blue is colored every around the shot so it could make a meaning that we dose not know what is the love and happy.
In the dawn, it brings blue lights that only trace the specific area from the sun, which is lighting on her sad white face.
Blue color and mixed light with darkness which is evidence obviously to know that it is early morning.
Character movement
Firstly, she just woke up and tries to understand the situation so she looked around everywhere. When she take a taxi, she dose not move anymore. She just gaze at outside from the window to see somewhere then we can find that only her eyes are moving.
#Scene 2
Depth of field
When she wakes up, the shot is focused on her sad face. From the first shot, there is one person who propertied only small part of the shot. She is described small size of character. It means that now she is just the smallest character in the world.
#Scene 3
Her face is totally different before when she enjoy the time with ‘Trip’. She just bites her crown, which she gets from the competition.
There is no happy mood on her face anymore.
Everything is gone. She would think that the world is the end.
Camera movement
Camera is still stopped to focus her doing. It is fixed for the long shot. After that, camera zoomed in her face. When she is in home, camera is fixed again to long shot.
#Scene 4
"We’re suffocating..."
"No. You’re safe, here."
"I can’t breathe in here..."
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